Here is a picture of my Clapotis that is being knit with three skeins of Lady Godiva simultaneously. Let me tell you that I do not like interchanging skeins, so annoying! and so messy! (especially with three). If you click on the image, you can see the dropped stitches very clearly. I love dropping stitches! I am wondering if I should knit this pattern again with Lion and Lamb to obtain the full enjoyment of this pattern since I won't have to interchange skeins with Lion and Lamb. I guess that would depend on how often I'd wear the Clappy. While I'm knitting it it seems to small to be a shawl, but dropping the stitches makes it grow a little. So I guess I'm supposed to wear it as a scarf.
Getting in touch with my inner housewife: cooking, baking, knitting, etc. What can I say, I like making things... dinner, baked good, socks, theorems :)
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
New socks!
I started a new pair of socks in Socks that Rock Watermelon Tourmaline. The pattern is the Basket Weave Rib from Sensational Knitted Socks. It is my first pair of toe-up socks. I did it by using a provisional cast by using a crochet chain. Perhaps it looks to busy since the yarn is bright... I haven't made a pair of STR socks for myself so these are for ME!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Scarf + Fringe
I added the fringe while watching Desperate Housewives... In retrospect I might have made the fringe longer, but I don't have enough yarn left to do that. I'm wondering if the fringe looks too sparse, but again I'm not sure I have enough yarn left to do anything about it. But still, I think it looks pretty cool. My roommate said it was her favorite pattern she's seen me knit!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Multidirectional Scarf Almost Done (or done, minus the fringe)
Saturday, January 20, 2007
My Skeins of Lady Godiva
I thought I should show you what I was complaining about... here the three skeins are... I am currently knitting with all three... The differences in color were more apparent after winding all three skeins and putting them side by side. The lightest skein is not really that light, it just looks lighter than it is because it seems to have gotten the bulk of the flash. But still, pretty different, you can see my predicament!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Solution to my Problem with the Clapotis
I think what I can do to make the color of the Clapotis more uniform is to unravel what I've done, start over and knit 2 rows in one color and 2 rows in another color... I'll have to take out one row of repeats to make sure that I can knit the entire Clapotis in 2 skeins of Lady Godiva. I'll also have one extra skein of Lady Godiva that I could do something with! (could be exciting!). The question is do I want to unravel what I've done so far... half of a Clapotis. Eeek! So many decisions! What to do!
My Clappy
I've been working on my clapotis in Lady Godiva and I was suspicious that one of the skeins might be from a different dye lot since it looked lighter than the other two. But Handmaiden doesn't put dye lots on their tags so I thought maybe I was imagining things... So after I incorporated the second skein in my Clapotis, I noticed that it looked different! (I thought I would use the two that looked the same first since I thought I might be able to get away with just two skeins.) It definitely looks like it's from a different dye lot. I think that since the Clapotis calls for dropped stitches it won't look so bad, but still, I'm a perfectionist and even though people probably won't notice when I wear it, I will know. I wonder if this is natural to happen or if the place I bought the yarn is to blame for this... Now I am really wondering how the third skein will look!!! These issues are taking away from the fun of the Clapotis pattern... dropped stitches are fun. Perhaps I should have knit it in Lion and Lamb. It's weird though, the Lady Godiva doesn't seem like it wants to drop... i guess it's not slippery enough to drop itself...
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Knitting with Lady Godiva is heavenly!
I love Lady Godiva, it is so incredibly soft... yes, I have a million things to do and I still make time to knit... I think Lady Godiva might possibly be my favorite yarn in the whole wide world! Too bad it's so darn expensive.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
My Lady Godiva Arrived!
I recently ordered some Lady Godiva since Little Knits was having a sale on it... I think that I will finally knit a Clapotis with it, because I am dying to knit something where you are actually supposed to drop stitches! I decided that I didn't really like the stitch pattern for the Ella up close so I'm not going to knit it after all. The thing that worries me is I don't think Lady Godiva has a dye lot... so would it look bad if I used 3 skeins to make a Clapotis?
Friday, January 12, 2007
Multidirectional scarf using Artyarns Supermerino
I decided to try the multidirectional scarf with the yarn that I had from the last post and I like how it looks. I think for some reason the colors were blending together in the skein, but once I knitted with it, the colors weren't blending together. There is a little pooling going on, but that doesn't really bother me too much. I really like the Artyarns Supermerino. It is my first time working with it... I also like the multidirectional scarf pattern. It is very easy and it looks very attractive. Both my housemates told me that they really like the pattern. This is a gift for my friend Esha so hopefully she will like it as much as I do! Esha went to the University of Michigan so it's an added bonus that these colors are michigan colors.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
some yarn... good or bad?

I got some Artyarns Supermerino in the mail and thought it would be a bit brighter than it actually is... I can't capture the true color of the yarn. The picture makes the yarn look brighter than it is because of the flash. I'm afraid the yarn is too dull. Up close it looks good, because you can see a bit of purple and navy and the yellow, but from a far the colors kind of blend together. I was thinking of knitting the multidirectional scarf pattern with this yarn... What do you guys think? Should it be a go or not? I was planning on giving this to a friend so that's why I'm being a bit more cautious.
Friday, January 05, 2007
My Charlotte is off the needle, but not blocked.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
I messed up my Artic Diamonds Stole! At the top of the diamond I am supposed to change the order of the k2tog and the k2tog tbl and I didn't do that. I can't decide whether I should unravel it (It is so hard to put the stitches back on the needle with lace...) or continue going. I think I may end up unraveling the whole thing and knitting it on size 3 needles instead of size 4 needles since the stitches aren't as close together as I would like them...
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Started my Artic Lace Stole today!
I only did the "beginning edging", so maybe tomorrow I can actually start the charted pattern! I think the charted pattern will look very cool, I knit one of the "diamonds" for the gauge swatch. Perhaps I will take it with me to New Orleans. (It is in Cherry Red GEMS Perl).
At my New Year's party I said my New Year's resolution was to knit a sweater this year. So I will have to look for good sweater patterns. I also want to knit the two shawls that were in IK Summer '06 and IK Fall '06, so I better buy me some Alpaca! I just splurged on 3 skeins of Lady Godiva that I will either use to knit a Clapotis or an Ella (also from Knitty).
I went to ThreadBear Fiber Arts with my mom during this holiday break and my mom bought a sweater kit for me that will be made of Garnstudio Alpaca in a deep purple color. I didn't buy anything which was amazing! I am excited though that my mom is knitting me a sweater!
At my New Year's party I said my New Year's resolution was to knit a sweater this year. So I will have to look for good sweater patterns. I also want to knit the two shawls that were in IK Summer '06 and IK Fall '06, so I better buy me some Alpaca! I just splurged on 3 skeins of Lady Godiva that I will either use to knit a Clapotis or an Ella (also from Knitty).
I went to ThreadBear Fiber Arts with my mom during this holiday break and my mom bought a sweater kit for me that will be made of Garnstudio Alpaca in a deep purple color. I didn't buy anything which was amazing! I am excited though that my mom is knitting me a sweater!
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