Sunday, September 03, 2006

Progress on Jaywalkers

I promised a picture of my Jaywalkers so here they are. I'm actually a bit farther than this now, I turned the heel on the second sock. I made sure that two skeins of Gold Hill were from the same dye lot, but yet one still looks different from the other. The not yet completed sock has more of a contrast in the stripes... oh well, the socks will be fraternal twins.

I also started a new pair of socks knit on two Addi Turbo circulars since I wanted to try knitting with 2 circulars instead of dpn's. In general the Addi's seem faster, yet I miss the sharpness of the Crystal Palace dpn's. The new sock that I am knitting is the Garland Lace Pattern with Lorna's Laces Purple Iris.

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