Getting in touch with my inner housewife: cooking, baking, knitting, etc. What can I say, I like making things... dinner, baked good, socks, theorems :)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Went to Purl!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
White Witch Mitts

mittens 004
Originally uploaded by mangokiwi.
My first fair isle project. Frankly it looks a little sloppy. The tension on my left hand is much looser than the tension on my right hand. Also I used DK weight yarn when the pattern called for sport weight yarn and still used US 3 needles which I think was a mistake. Another weird thing is that when I stick my hand in the mitten I can feel all the yarn that was carried across in the back when I was using the other color for a while.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hedera Socks
I finished this a while ago and started them much longer than that ago. But here are the pictures. I think I am bored of regular sock patterns and need to work on sock patterns that teach me a new trick (such as two at time) or give me more practice with fair isling! Notice the color difference with flash and without flash :) The yarn is STR Tanzanite, I think I like real Tanzanite better :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
White Witch Mitts
handsome mittens

handsome mittens
Originally uploaded by mangokiwi.
One of the handsome mittens! These were incredibly fast to knit! Too bad I can't show you the other ones with the brown cuff and the orange thumb! :)
broadstreet mittens

broadstreet mittens
Originally uploaded by mangokiwi.
I promised my friend Minh that I would upload some knitting pictures so here they are! By the way, it is really hard to try to photograph both hands when you are showing off mittens! Anyway, I started these mittens 3 years ago probably and I finally finished the base part. Just need to do the shell. I wish I had picked a more interesting color or used variegated sock yarn!