Friday, November 03, 2006

I got my new issue of IK in the mail...

And I'm pretty excited about the Arctic Diamonds Stole and the Wine and Roses Mitts (I've never knit in cashmere before!). I was also excited to see that Interweave Knits is releasing some new books in the mail, namely Lace Style and Favorite Socks. They seem like they are going to be great and I love lace and socks and lacey socks!


Katie said...

I received my IK in the mail last night, too. Yay! Like you, I was excited by the sock and lace books. I also really like the fairisle sweater (Venezia) (am I stupid enough to take this on?)

By the way, you know about this, right?

Mango Kiwi said...

The Fair Isle sweater is beautiful! I just don't think I can do it since I've never done anything Fair Isle before.

Yeah I know about the STR Sock Club. Are you going to join it? I wonder if I have too much sock yarn and too many sock books already to justify doing this...

My friend Minh was saying that Sundara does a sock club where it's meant to be related to a flower that blooms at that time of the year. That sounds really cool!

Katie said...

I wasn't going to do the STR sock club, mainly because I'm not a huge fan of variagated yarn, but their colors are just so beautiful, and I really do wish that I knitted more socks. So I signed up. It's a register now and pay later deal, so I can always back out if I come to my senses by January! :-)

Mango Kiwi said...

you don't like variegated yarn!?! in that case you must do the sock club so you gain the full appreciation of variegated yarn :) i love STR yarn, it's so pretty, that's why i have so much of it in my stash! :) i think i need to try knitting with the lightweight. i like the medium weight since it goes pretty quickly. i hear in the sock club you get a mixture of lightweight and mediumweight.

Anonymous said...

Are you making me something from it? Then I will be excited too!

Mango Kiwi said...

i dunno. what do i get in return? :)