Saturday, July 31, 2010

Banana Bread

My roommate had some super overripe bananas so I thought it was time to make banana bread. I had previously tried one from smitten kitchen and another one I am not quite sure about, maybe this one? But since they were 6, oh yes SIX, whole overripe bananas in my kitchen, it was time for a new recipe: Banana Sour Cream Bread. I made no modifications to this recipe. All I have to say is it made COPIUS amounts of batter and THREE loaves of 9x5 bread. Next time, I might try to make a crumble topping, add some nutmeg and ground cloves and possible reduce the amount of sugar. I used natural cane sugar instead of regular white sugar. Not sure there makes a huge difference. I am going to be eating banana bread for a long long time I guess! Banana bread is cooling now :)


sonia said...

Yummy yummy banana bread!

Zoe said...

I can feel my appetite for banana bread increasing :). I don't usually wait for bananas to over ripe, I buy them on purpose to make banana bread. I wish I can have one now with my coffee!:) Good morning to you and have a great day!