Getting in touch with my inner housewife: cooking, baking, knitting, etc. What can I say, I like making things... dinner, baked good, socks, theorems :)
Friday, February 22, 2008
for my next scarf
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I'm knitting the Karaoke Cable Scarf
I just got some Lady Godiva (in the Peridot colorway - so awesome!) and some Noro Silk Garden Lite (for the Argosy), so more scarves may be in my future!
I guess I'm totally into the brainless knitting these days because I've been working really hard and been kind of exhausted lately!
Monday, February 18, 2008
noro squares take 2

noro squares take 2
Originally uploaded by mangokiwi.
These things knit up so quickly -- I'm done with the second pair. I'm so amazed at how two squares that come from the same skein look NOTHING alike. Knitting the squares is more fun and less boring than I thought partly because the noro is so colorful, has an interesting texture that goes from thick to thin (much like Manos), I like the double decrease and the way you end up knitting two sides of a square in one row.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
First two Noro Squares

Noro Squares
Originally uploaded by mangokiwi.
Can you believe that these two squares are from the same skein. In case you were wondering what colorway it is, it is 180.
Noro Kureyon

Noro Kureyon
Originally uploaded by mangokiwi.
This will soon become a blanket! Two skeins are missing...
I am knitting Noro Squared
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Should I knit a scarf soon?
But anyway, I think I may knit a scarf in the near future. I really want to knit the karaoke cable scarf that was posted on kpixie because then I get to try out SWTC Karaoke and I've never worked with soy silk before, which could be very interesting. Other possibilities for scarvjes include the Dayflower Scarf (what yarn? something silky?) and Argosy (is Silk Garden Lite nice?).
Other things that I have thought about but won't do immediately are: the Drop Stitch Scarf and the Montego Bay Scarf (IK Summer 2007). Probably those patterns are good from the perspective that they let you work with Lady Godiva and SeaSilk respectively.
Baudelaire Socks are finished!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
IK Spring 08
Friday, February 08, 2008
Karaoke Blanket
I would need 12 skeins of Karaoke to make a 4 by 6 blanket. I could order it from Webs so that I get a 20% discount, but it will still be kind of expensive and perhaps I've spent too much money on yarn these days. Also, it may be a pain in the butt to graft the 24 squares together. But it looks so cool! Like an optical illusion. And I have never worked with SoySilk before. And the pattern is easy to remember and the squares are portable.
Go With The Flow Socks

Go With The Flow Socks
Originally uploaded by mangokiwi.
I am also working on the second sock in this pair (on my dpns, the others are on my addi turbos). These are top down and I just finished the leg on the second pair so maybe I will also finish these by the end of the month! This is also Koigu and I really love the colorway... There is nothing that I love more in the world than Koigu!

Originally uploaded by mangokiwi.
I just finished the heel of these socks (these socks are toe-up), so I guess I'm pretty close to being done. This is a pretty easy pattern to remember and but the leg uses a cable needle and I don't know how to cable without a cable needle. I'll probably finish these by the end of the month!
Springgrass Socks

Springgrass Socks
Originally uploaded by mangokiwi.
I finished these sometime in January with the bulk of the knitting done during my family vacation in Vegas. I love Koigu and the colorway, but I only wore these once and they were pilling/felting :(
Wheat Ear Cable Yoke

Wheat Ear Cable Yoke
Originally uploaded by mangokiwi.
I started my Wheat Ear Cable Yoke and there was a knot in one of the balls of yarn. It's bugging me because its making the knitting look not smooth. I'm wondering if I should frog it and redo. What do you think?